Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Parker River, Newburyport

I have been in 'learning mode' lately, studying portraits, taking a portrait class and copying Old Masters' works in color and grayscale in oils.  It's more difficult than I had anticipated.  I painted this small painting when I needed a break in between...it's painted on Kitty Wallis sanded paper using mostly Terry Ludwig pastels and some of my new fav's, Diane Townsends.  I did a quick watercolor underpainting and followed up with the pastels and contrary to my usual snail-pace, I finished this painting in one sitting!

On another note, I am happy to say that my two entries to the Newburyport Art Asc.'s Winter Juried Show, Part 2 were accepted into the show.  Visit www.newburyportart.org for details about the show.  I will post pictures of my entries soon!

Lastly, in addition to adding a morning class to my schedule, I am in the process of adding a one-day workshop...check my site soon for details!




Jeff Ventola said...

This is a stunning piece of work Robin. Just GORGEOUS! I hope some day to be able to paint a cloud like this.

C-O-N-G-R-A-T-S on getting your work in the Juried show. "Wake up Call" is another incredible painting!

Can't wait for the workshops! Woo hoo!

Robin said...

Thanks, Jeff! Congrats on getting both of your pieces into the show - wow!

Randall said...

Nice pastel painting Robin. At first I thought it was an oil painting and I was really having a hard time figuring out how you pulled it off :)


Robin said...

Thanks, Randall. I love both mediums and what they can do! I was hesitant to try pastels at first, but haven't looked back since!