Sunday, October 7, 2012

What Fun!

 Friday evening I returned from a 3 day figure/portrait workshop in Vermont.  I learned a lot including using an alla prima approach which I had only used in my plein air landscape painting and I met some nice new people from as far away as I am fueled to paint so keep your eyes open for some more portrait and figure work!  This is a study I did on the 2nd day of 'Lara'.



Jeff Ventola said...

Even at this stage the painting is fantastic...I hope you had fun, can't wait to hear all about it.

You're really hitting your stride...breathtaking figure work! Keep it up!

Robin said...

Thank you. I like this one because I feel I captured what I think the model looked like!

Jeff Ventola said...

I've said that for years...look at all your figure work...they all are incredibly accurate likenesses of the subjects.