Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New! One Day Workshop!

Please call or email for information regarding this one day accelerated workshop !!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Parker River, Newburyport

I have been in 'learning mode' lately, studying portraits, taking a portrait class and copying Old Masters' works in color and grayscale in oils.  It's more difficult than I had anticipated.  I painted this small painting when I needed a break in's painted on Kitty Wallis sanded paper using mostly Terry Ludwig pastels and some of my new fav's, Diane Townsends.  I did a quick watercolor underpainting and followed up with the pastels and contrary to my usual snail-pace, I finished this painting in one sitting!

On another note, I am happy to say that my two entries to the Newburyport Art Asc.'s Winter Juried Show, Part 2 were accepted into the show.  Visit for details about the show.  I will post pictures of my entries soon!

Lastly, in addition to adding a morning class to my schedule, I am in the process of adding a one-day workshop...check my site soon for details!
